Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We went to visit our bestest friends, Kate & Clint, this past weekend in the Tri-Cities. They moved there earlier this year and we went over to see their new house and check out the area. So, we drive over Friday night and it takes about four hours. We got there around 10:30 p.m. and pretty much just went to bed with all our little ones. The next morning Kate and Clint want us to go hike this trail that they walk called Badger Mountain. I had forgotten to bring tennis shoes, but they were like you can do it, it's not that bad. So, I go in SANDALS!!

Okay, let me just clarify something here. There version of not so bad and my version are drastically different. For those of you who haven't been around me in awhile I am VERY out of shape. I am a bit fluffier than I used to be, okay, a lot fluffier. I think each one of my children has blessed me with about fifteen pounds that they have just left me when they have taken their exit. But, I am not a wuss, so I am going to go on this hike, even in sandals.

We start our little "walk" and I am literally out of breath in a matter of minutes. Little did I know that it was about a mile and a half up, up, and more up. Seriously, it was switchback after switchback and it seemed to never end. When we would stop to catch our breath (just the girls, Todd and Clint didn't seem to need to rest) people would pity me in my sandal clad feet. In fact, I got a nickname going up the mountain - I am now known as "Sandal Girl"! So, we did it and I hated Kate up that mountain with every step that I took, but fortunately on the way down those natural endorphins kicked in and I was loving everyone, even Clint!!

After my torture that morning we went to the park, out to eat, saw Indiana Jones (DO NOT SEE - VERY CHEESY) and played games all night of course. We are game playing freaks. Sunday we went to church and then of course played more games. We ran out of soda about half way through the day and I think I went a little nuts but I survived. Then, believe it or not Kate actually convinced me to walk that stupid mountain again before we left to go home. I tell ya', that girl is my best friend and I love her, but the things I do with her!! She's crazy!! I went and this time it was in tennis shoes that were one size to small. Again I hated her the whole way up and loved her the whole way down.

Sore feet and all it was a great weekend and we miss our dear friends a lot. Happy Hiking!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This is our dog Lola. Isn't she fantastic! We got her last October and yes, she lives in my house. She is the best. Okay, sure sometimes she is a bit much. Like the time she was in her crate in my living room while we were at church and she got bored and clawed a hole in my carpet - all the way down to the floor board. Yeah, that was a fun one. Overall though, she is a wonderful addition to our family. I'm sure there will be many more "Lola" moments to share with all of you.

Okay, so I have heard that I am extremely lucky when it comes to the whole potty training thing. I wasn't looking forward to potty training Marcus, but buying and changing two sets of diapers was killing me. And when the kid can tell me when he's poopy or that he peed, then I figure he's ready. The real kicker is when he starts bringing me diapers and laying down on the floor in front of me waiting for me to change him.

So, one day a couple of weeks ago I just decided to do it and he was pretty much trained in a couple of days. Sure, we had our accidents but he doesn't wet the bed for naps or at naptime and my girlfriends all tell me that I am so lucky!! It's definitely nice to only be changing Raigan's diapers. So, I took some pics of his success on the potty. One day he might kill me for taking these pictures, but they are so cute!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My First Blog

Hello, Hello Everyone!! I am so excited to have a blog now to keep family and friends updated on all that goes on in the Shelton household. Okay, maybe not all that goes on, but little snippets here and there. Now, we still have forever slow dial up so don't go checking my blog every day because I won't put stuff on there every day!! I imagine it will mostly be about my kids and my dog because that is my LIFE right now. So, to get things started I thought I would put some recents pics of them for you all to enjoy. Happy Blogging!!