Just some random bits I thought I'd share. November has been a good and bad month so far! The Good - I celebrated my 34th birthday, Todd and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary, Todd started his new job, and New Moon came out!! Yay!! I'll have some pics up soon on our night out at the New Moon premiere. The Bad - our whole family has had a horrible flu/cold/cough bug for about a month now. Everyone has had a turn being sick and my kids just seem to keep rotating it. Fine for a few days and then back down with a fever and over and over and over!! Aahh! Just be well!! We also had both of our vehicles out of commission for a while. But thank heavens we're with my parents so we weren't totally carless and I have a wonderful friend who let me borrow their extra vehicle until we got one of ours up and running again. I'm sad to say the van is not fixable. The transmission is gone and it would take more to fix it than I spent to buy it, so we'll just be saving up to buy something else. The tragic part is that my Twilight Mom bumper sticker that I got in Forks this past summer is on the van!! Oh well, another trip to Forks. Darn. Thankfully our other car was an easy fix and my dad could do it and now we're up and running again.
Lots of people keep asking me about our blog title. Why is it called the Shelton Seven when there are only six people in your family? So, I thought I would clarify for all the curious out there. We have Todd, me, Nicholas, Raquel, Marcus and Raigan. And yup, that is only six people. Three boys, three girls. When I originally started my blog I thought we might have one more child. Since then, I have definitely changed my mind!! But, I like the title so I ain't changin' it!! Plus, when we had our Great Dane, Lola, I counted her as a part of the family anyway - so it made sense then!! Now, Lola is gone and we're not having anymore kids and well, it's just staying. Besides, the number 7 is my favorite number, so for me, it makes sense. Now quit asking me about my title and just accept it!!
One more bit. This past Sunday we lost power for half of the day. My sweet Marcus just could not wrap his head around this concept. He wanted to watch TV and didn't understand why I just wouldn't turn it on for him! Here was our conversation:
Marcus: "Mom, you turn on TV?"
Me: "Marcus, the TV doesn't work right now. There's no power."
I then tried to turn on the TV to show him how when I pushed the button nothing happened.
Marcus: "Daddy fix the TV?"
Me: "No, Daddy can't fix the TV."
Marcus: "Oh. Grandpa can fix the TV."
He then marched up to Grandpa and asked him to fix his TV. But, alas, even Grandpa couldn't fix it. He thought for a minute and then came and found me.
Marcus: "Mom, you go to the store and buy a new TV."
Me: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!"
The poor guy just couldn't understand why no one would help him with the TV!! Priceless. The power came back on eventually and he was happily engrossed in Spongebob just a few hours later. Me thinks we watch too much TV my son!! Oh well!
I'll try to get Thanksgiving pics up before Christmas!!LOL!!
Marcus sounds so much like Kade. Last time our power was out I could hear him in his room talking to himself pushing the power button over and over. He finally came out and asked me to change the battery in his TV.
TRACI!! Here I was all excited that you updated your blog thinking it would be about New Moon. So disappointed. Where are the pics you took? Where are all the details about our fabulous night together? Sigh...
Whenever you plan the wkend to Forks, Tell ME! I will drive over and meet you, so we can go together! I am dead serious!
Does the Holy ghost count as a member of the Shelton 7?
When are you moving to Olympia?
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