Monday, November 10, 2008

Laundry Man

I know there are bound to be a few of you out there who are going to sympathize with this story. For those of you who don't know me so well I will admit to having a little OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and for those of you who do know me, well, you know. I like things a certain way. Yes, my movies are all alphabetized as well as my cd's and of course my books. My clothes are all hung in the closet a certain way and so on and so forth. I know, I know, but I seriously can't help it. I have gotten better since having kids because so many things are just out of my control right now. Well, I also like to clean and do laundry in my anal way and I usually don't let anyone help me, because, well, they might do it wrong!! Ha-Ha!! So, last week my husband wanted some laundry done and I couldn't get to it at that moment so he decided he would "help" me and run a few loads through. He of course, did it wrong, bless his heart and didn't check pockets and I think the picture tells the rest of the story. . . .

Yup, those are mostly my white clothes that were trapped in laundry hell with something red and came out pink. Thanks for all your help sweetie!!


Lindsey said...

oh and everyone, she alphabetizes her cards in her wallet too. well she did last time i checked. love u sis.

Rene said...

Oh, I feel your pain! My sweet Darrell tried to "help out with the laundry" once too. I begged (read: forbid)him to never wash my clothes again. He's welcome to ruin any of his clothes he'd like but I like my whites white and I like my pants unshrunk (is that a word?)
We missed you at Bunko!

Liz said...

This would be why I banned Dave from washing laundry years ago. Bad for me, good for my clothes.

Todd Devenish said...

HINT: Husbands do this on purpose to get out of doing laundry!!! That's my boy, just like we learned in training!! Alright OCD sister, has Ally ever told you about my wallet?? Scary!

Crazy Corinne said...

Been there did that! My beautiful white clothes came out gray thanks to my dear hubby washing brand new black cords with them.....Poor poor whiteys.

Momma Sarah said...

LOL! dang it! He's a Doctor, Jim! (just like in Star Trek ha ha!!) That's ok, has he burned water?