Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ward Party

Well, we had our first ward party (adults only) in our new ward and the theme was Tacky Cruise. I really wasn't all that excited to go, but Kim and Allie told me I just had to, so we went. The best part was the day before when we went shopping at Value Village for our tacky cruisewear. I think we spent at least two hours in there deciding on how tacky we could be. It was so much fun!! The party was really nice with good food and good entertainment. I'm sure you've all seen the video on youtube of the ward talent show where the guys did synchronized swimming. Well, some brethren from our ward did it and it was a kick in the butt. So funny!! Here's some pics of Kim & Freddie, Allie & Todd and me and my Todd. We were trying to pose like we were at the prom, but we just look dorky. Happy sailing!!


Momma Sarah said...

ACK! That is a great party idea! I'm so totally stealing that one to use someday! Love those 'prom picture' poses! And those outfits are divine!

lisa said...

Look how cute you guys are!

Kate said...

Okay, Okay... here's my #$*&! comment! Let me just say... what can I possibly say about that outfit except how BRAVE you are LOL. Naw... you really are so CUTE no matter what you wear.

Liz said...

Oh I miss the girls in the Pines ward (well the real one) Are you a tad excited about New Moon there?

Clarissa said...

Looks like you had a great time. Hey, by the way, the vagisil really wasn't mine, and if you were more obsessive about your blog (like me) you would be getting a gift from someone. But, because I love you so much...I will be sending you one too. Just don't tell anyone else..haha!!