Saturday, March 28, 2009
Spring Break!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
More Random Thoughts

I don't think you can really see how bad it is in this picture because my camera sucks, but he had a HUGE goose egg right between his eyes for the rest of the day and that red mark is still there today. Cried like a girl, but he is totally okay. He is a handsome devil, isn't he?
On Friday Marcus had his speech test. I was so nervous because I just didn't know how he would do. He is having a hard time going to Primary right now and when he doesn't want to do something it is meltdown time. I was just envisioning him throwing himself down on the floor and screaming his brains out. Only because that has actually happened before!! So the whole morning before we went I talked it up big time. I asked him if he wanted to go to school and play with the teacher and he was all into it. He was like, "Yeah, like Raquel." And of course I bribed him with a prize if he was a good boy. So, we go and I sit in the corner of the room while she tests him and I kid you not, the whole time I was thinking - "Who is this child and what have they done with my Marcus?" He was so good!! He sat in the chair at the table with the therapist and did everything she asked him to do and he was so good!! Can I say it enough? He was so good!! I couldn't believe it. The therapist even told me he was such a good boy. And I told her that this was a rare day! Anyhoo, as far as his speech goes he is fine. Right on target with how old he is and being in preschool next year will only help him to refine what he is saying and get better. So, no extra help needed and I just want that therapist to come and live with us because she had an effect on my son that I would like to bottle and reuse everyday.
Let's see - Friday of course was a big day. Um, hello, Twilight DVD on sale at midnight. And yes, I am that much of a loser. I stayed up until midnight so I could go to the store and buy the Twilight DVD. I was going to end up going by myself because all of my Spokane friends apparently aren't REAL fans like I am. But thankfully my friend Liz called me and totally wanted to go with me. Thanks Liz!! We felt a bit weird hanging out with all the teenagers until midnight, but we decided we didn't really care if we were the oldest people in line - we wanted our movie!! And yes, I took it home where my sweet husband was waiting up for me and I started watching all the special features until I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I think that was around 2 am. I'm just not as young physically as I am mentally!! The next morning we gathered the whole family around and watched Twilight and all the extras until I saw every bit that was on both discs. And yes, I said my whole family. Marcus and Raigan are clueless still and I loved sharing it with my Raquel and Todd. What a great week!!

I look so tired, but I had to have my movie!! And I've already lent it out to a sister in my ward who has been reading the Twilight series to her family. Don't you love that!?! The more Twilight love I can spread around the better! You're next Allyson!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Random Thoughts

Sunday afternoon I "caught" Raquel and Marcus having a "moment" together. Normally they fight like cats and dogs, but they were watching a movie together on the couch and I just couldn't resist this moment of perfect harmony. It was short-lived. . .

And other than Todd's car breaking down and the bill coming back at $1200 to fix it, we have had a pretty uneventful week!! Yikes!! Kinda puts a dent in my spring break plans to head home and see my family and friends. Hopefully my kids will do something interesting this week so I have something to blog about. And let's not forget what happens on Saturday people!! Twilight on DVD!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Best & Worst Mother Moments
I finally took Raquel in to see the dentist. (I know, I know! No lectures on taking her in sooner! Lesson has been learned!) We just didn't make it a huge priority because she's been losing baby teeth for awhile now and we thought she'd be fine. Whoops. Apparently she has her father's weak teeth. On Thursday my poor sweetheart had to have a baby root canal, an entire tooth pulled, two other teeth drilled and filled and sealant put on her molars!! Her first dental experience was all of that! She did so well and the office where I took her is just for kids, so they were super awesome with her. They call everything they are doing by different names so they don't freak the kids out. Like, here comes Mr. Whistle or Mr. Tickle. So cute! She was miserable the rest of the day once the numbing wore off, but all better now. I tried to take a picture of her cavity ridden tooth they pulled, but my camera sucks and it wouldn't zoom in good enough to see the tooth and now it is in Tooth Fairy land. I will now be taking Marcus in as soon as possible to avoid this in the future. I can only hope that he has my teeth (strong as an ox) and that they will sedate him for me, otherwise ain't no way that boy will sit in that chair!! LOL!!
Okay, on to my best mother moment. It wasn't anything that I did necessarily. It was just a moment with my Raquel that I will forever remember and made me feel like I might be doing something right. At the end of the day on Friday I was taking a bath. Love to take baths at the end of the day because it relaxes me and gives me about a half an hour to myself. And my sweet husband, bless his heart, knows that I need this time so he often tells me to go get in the bath and he takes the kids. So as I'm soaking I hear a knock on the door and Raquel wants to come in. Usually I don't allow this since it kind of defeats the purpose of alone time, but she had a book with her and she asked if she could just sit in the bathroom and read. I usually am reading a book during my bath, so I said sure she could stay. So, for the next half hour I soaked and read and my Raquel sat and read, only interrupting when she couldn't figure out a word. I paused for a minute and just savored the moment. Alone time with my daughter spent doing something I adore - reading - and thinking that I have instilled in her a love of books as well. Can't beat that. It was such a tender moment for me. One without words, but that really spoke to me as a mother. I don't totally suck all of the time! My kid is reading Charlotte's Web with me in the bathroom!! So cool.