Thursday, March 5, 2009


I think I've posted before about Raquel's sleepwalking and night terrors. The girl has some issues. So, night before last I wake up to hear Raquel and Raigan both screaming bloody murder. I run into the upstairs hallway between our bedroom and Raigan's room and Raigan's bedroom door is open. Then I started yelling for Todd because Raigan sleeps alone in a crib and she can't open her own door. I'm thinking there is someone in our house. I start heading for the downstairs because that's where the screaming is coming from and Raquel and Marcus sleep down there. When I get to the top of the stairs I see Raquel on the stairs screaming and crying and Raigan is sitting at the bottom of the stairs screaming and crying. HUH?! It took my mind a moment to register what I was seeing. I start yelling at Raquel asking her what in the heck is going on and she is just crying and mumbling a mile a minute. I get her and lay her down on the couch and I am getting like no response from her. Within like 15 seconds she is snoring. Sound asleep. I grabbed Raigan and she was half undressed and pretty much hysterical. Todd is up by now and I made him check every room, closet, door, window - everything in our house to see if someone broke in. Nothing. I get Raigan calmed down and back to bed and then it all clicked. Raquel was sleepwalking, went in to Raigan's room, woke her up, tried to change her diaper and then took her downstairs!! That was the only explanation because Raigan can't get herself up or open her door and there wasn't a bad person in my house!! Holy crap!! Most of you are probably laughing about now, just like my mom did when I called her the next morning, but I WAS NOT! Totally freaked me out. Raquel remembers doing none of this. I asked her repeatedly the next day if she remembered getting Raigan and her screaming and she looked at me like I was crazy. It freaks me out because that was a lot of stairs she had to have climbed down with my baby in her arms and she wasn't even awake. Aahh! I really don't know what to do. I am going to buy latches for Raigan's room and the front door and attach them up high where Raquel can't reach them, but what else can I do? I just don't want her to hurt herself or someone else when she's off in la-la land. My dad suggested using one of those shock collars that you put on dogs to keep them in the yard, so that she will shock herself awake when she tries to leave her bedroom. Don't think that one is going to work dad!! My parents are so helpful with this situation, aren't they!?!


Annie Jarman said...

Oh my gosh! I would be so terrified too!! I'm so glad everyone was okay! Definitely buy latches!

Clarissa said...

The latches sound like a good idea. But I think the shock collar would constitute a call to CPS. Payton has had night terrors, but done nothing like that. Don't worry, I would have been freaking out too.

Rene said...

I am laughing so hard.... ahem...Sorry, but I really am. I can see that might have caused some stress, but since it's over and everyone is fine... I'm with your parents, that's funny! Raquel is sure helpful to do night time diaper changes!
Love ya!

Momma Sarah said...

OH MY!!!!! My heart was pounding just reading about it! LOL! That shock collar idea sounds something like your dad would say!

Kate said...

That's scary... I can't believe you're laughing Rene!! You just don't want Raquel going outside or something. That would be super scary!

Liz said...

That is so totally scary. I would have been freaked out too. Maybe the girl needs an ambien or something.

Jenn said...

This is a late comment, because I have been so busy.....
I had night terrors when I was a child. 3rd grade. It's weird from the Raquel's perspective. The locks sound like a good idea. If this is every night, you might want to consider sleeping in her room, so that when she "gets up", you can follow or lead and guide her. =( scary.