Monday, June 9, 2008

Bad Lola, Bad!!

Let me just preface this post by saying that I do indeed love my dog Lola and I will miss her terribly when she is gone. When we first got Lola I took her everywhere in the back of my SVU. So, I bought one of those gates to keep her in the back of the car. Well, as with many other things once she gets the picture we let her try to be a good big girl and trust that she'll do what she knows is right. Well, that was a mistake.

I took the gate down a couple of months ago and I still take her with me and she stays in the back. I mean, with three kids in car seats across the middle row I figure she has nowhere to go, right? WRONG!! Tonight we were driving back from my parents house and we were all in the car and we turned onto our road and our neighbors dogs who are all usually inside or tied up were all out and all running around. Guess what? Lola wanted to play too and she wanted to play right now. Oh, and in case you haven't met my dog she is easily 150 pounds or more.

I'm not even sure what happened it happened so fast, but before I knew it Lola was in the front seat of my car on top of me and Todd and all three of my kids were screaming bloody murder from the back seat. Raquel just kept screaming Raigan's name over and over and Raigan was crying and Marcus was crying and holy crap my dog is in my lap because she wants to get out and play!!!!! So, I grab Lola by the collar and I lose it. I am screaming at her because I'm sure that Raigan and Raquel are hurt and Todd is running into the house to get her leash. Okay, pause here - if you know me you know I have a potty mouth sometimes (sorry Brook) but I was so freaked out that I had to hold Lola still until Todd came until I could get to my kids that I REALLY LOST IT.

Words (bad ones) were coming out of my mouth so fast because I was so mad at my dog for doing something so stupid and possibly hurting my kids that I'm pretty sure I blacked out there for a moment in my not so appropriate tyrade. In front of my kids no less. So, Todd comes takes Lola to discipline her and I leap from the car to save my babies. They're fine. Shaken up as you can imagine to have my big fat Lola jump over them to go play with the other doggies. But they are fine. I think Raigan just got the crap scared out of her and Lola bumped her on her way to the front, Raquel got a couple of scratches on her arm and I don't think anything really happened to Marcus. He just likes to scream and was probably thinking, hey everyone else is doing it why not me?

So, we come inside check everyone for damage and we're not talking to Lola the rest of the night. Now, here's the best part. We sit down to read scriptures, no less, and my sweet Raquel turns to me and says - "Wow Mom, you sounded just like Grandpa in the car with all those bad words you were saying." LOL!! I am my father's daughter!! My poor daughter's mind is ruined forever. It's moments like these that really make me stop and ponder about what a totally awesome mom I am and how lucky my kids are to have me. Moms rule and dogs drool!!

1 comment:

Rene said...

See? I told you that dog could eat Allison! She is TOO BIG and has tricks up her sleeve! uh... paw?... arm?... Leg? Where ever you would call where a BIG dog keeps her tricks...
