1. I was on the computer this morning emailing my sister-in-law and I heard Raigan in the bathroom. She REALLY likes to flush the toilet and I heard her in there flushing away. After the second time she flushed I heard hands splashing in water. I ran into the bathroom thinking she would have her hands in the toilet. Did she? Nope. She had a cup in her hands and she was drinking the water from the toilet with it. Aahh!! At least it was clean toilet water, right?
2. Even though we fogged our house and set out tons of spider traps I think the spiders are winning. They are even starting to venture up the stairs which they have NEVER done before. I think they might be mad at us and are launching a counter attack. I'm really not kidding when I tell you they are big and fast and hairy and now apparently, they are pissed off!! Run for your lives!! Hopefully we can make it a few more days. Enjoy the pics of the ones we have defeated. And yes, these were two separate traps!!
3. I really, really, really love my family and Todd's family. Both my parents and Todd's parents are so willing to help us in our time of need and they are so incredibly supportive in so many ways. We have each also had siblings who have offered to help us as well and it is so appreciated. This is an incredibly humbling experience, but we are thankful for it and how it will only make us better people. It would seem to most that we have had a bit of "bad luck" the last few years, but we are going on the perspective that we are being taught and guided by our Heavenly Father and we need not fear. We will come out on the other end of this better people than when we started.
Those are my thoughts for today. Have fun!!
I can't believe your leaving. This so sucks. No one makes me laugh like you can. Loved the Raigan story. Laughed so hard I cried.
gross Raigan!!! I hope you took pics before you took the cup away- a true blogger would have grabbed the camera :)
The spiders are pissed off that you're leaving. I paid them to be mean to you for deserting us. :)
i love you sissy, this will definitely make you and Todd grow stronger together! ew gross to raigan but id still kiss her all over even if she did have toilet water on her face and lastly you guys need to leave before the spiders realized you are really leaving and try to make you part of their tribe....hurry.
OH GROSS! LOL....only our dearest littlest children do those things right? Ewwww...the hands would have been so much better!
And those spiders....that's enough to keep me away from Spokane. I HATE SPIDERS!
Can't wait to see you guys! :-)
Where is the picture of Raigan drinking out of the toilet? I tryed to put your e-mail on to get to my blog but it did not like it. Can you send it to me again. The full address. Thanks Good luck!
Hey my friend. Hang in there! You have always been a very strung individual who can get through anything and this time is no different. You and Todd will continue to be in our prayers.
Although it may seem when you're life is in dispare or trial that you are the only one. It seems everywhere you know the song "when you look at others with their lands and Gold..think that Christ has promised you his wealth untold." I understand Greg doesn't work. We don't have healthcare, a home, and other material things that seem almost like necessities when you're an American its ok. The Rosado family prays for you! See you soon..rach
forgive my English I meant "your"
NOT you're..HELLO.
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